Somewhere on the road to Hope
Artistic History Philémon Bukongo S. Artistic History Philémon Bukongo S.

Somewhere on the road to Hope

Nobody should be blamed for their decision to survive. Is it a sin to hope for the best even when your womb is being emptied in front of the whole world? Is it an outrage to pray for the rain of peace in the middle of the arid desert of chaos and bullets? All these people have done was to exist, but what could the world be without them? In a few more years, we will find out. Can we say that their reality will forever be in the hands of others to manipulate? Does the word “hope” really mean anything to them? Will it ever translate into “resistance”?

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The Journey to Hope from Destruction
Artistic History Philémon Bukongo S. Artistic History Philémon Bukongo S.

The Journey to Hope from Destruction

Two decades passed, wars succeeded one another, rebellions begot insurrections and injustice engulfed wretchedness. But the land got rebuilt, a new system, for the people, got installed and agreements got made. Although there is still impunity in the air and some parts are still blurry, victims, their children and their grandchildren are asked to move on, to forget a past that has benefitted some at their expense…

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